Yan Ma
Visiting ScholarDepartment: Lab Alumni

Yan Ma
Visiting Scholar (Nov. 2018 – Nov. 2019)
Department: Lab Alumni
Current Affiliation
Associate Professor, School of Management, Wuhan Polytechnic
University, China
Research interests
My research focuses on the evaluation of land resource assets in the
Yangtze River Economic Belt. I am starting from the actual situation of
the region and from three dimensions of economy, ecology and society,
trying to establish an operable land resource assets evaluation system
and method for the stage development characteristics of the Yangtze
River Economic Belt.
E-mail: mayan1126@whpu.edu.cn
Selected Publications
- Yan Ma, Chunlan Zhong. “The Grey Prediction Model Applies to Land Resources Ecological Security Forecasting”. Statistics & Decision. 2018, 12(20):82-85.
- Yan Ma. “Decoupling Index Analysis and Forecast between Farmland Occupation by Constructions and Economic Growth in Hubei Province”. Journal of Agrotechnical Economics. 2016(12):105-115.