McKalee Steen
Graduate StudentDepartment: Land Use Change Lab

McKalee Steen is a member of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and is a PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley in the Environmental Science, Policy, and Management Department. She is passionate about studying Indigenous land stewardship practices, providing resources for Indigenous youth, and the power of storytelling. Her current research interests include exploring the social and ecological impacts of Indigenous land management in cases where Tribes have been able to reacquire land within their traditional territories.
Vanderbilt University, BA in Earth and Environmental Science, Minors in English and Environmental Sustainability Studies (2020)
Research Interests
Climate change, land use change, Native and Indigenous land use and conservation.
Publications and Presentations
Conference Presentation, Taylor, Annie and Steen, McKalee; “Mapping for Indigenous Futures: How geospatial tools are being used to restore access, stewardship, and relationship with land”, California Native Plant Society Conference, October 2022
Keynote Speaker, “Climate Change and Action: Indigenous Impacts on Landscapes and Landback”, City of Flagstaff Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration, October 2022
Conference Workshop, Steen, McKalee, Dallard, Mindy, Mather, Makayla, “Changing Campus Culture for Indigenous Student Success”; AISES National Conference, October 2022
Conference Presentation, Wildcat, Sky, Steen, McKalee, Tallas, Nizhoni, Begay, Clay, Preston, Sebastian; “Native Food Energy and Water Systems (FEWS) Storytellers”, AISES National Conference, October 2022
Publication, Gruber, C., Steen, M., Brown, K. G., Delapp, R., Matteo, E. N., Klein-BenDavid, O., … & Kosson, D. S., Cement carbonate rock interaction under saturated conditions: From laboratory to modeling. Cement and Concrete Research, 160, 106899, 2022
Conference Presentation, Taylor, Annie and Steen, McKalee; “Mapping for Indigenous Futures: How geospatial tools are being used to restore access, stewardship, and relationship with land”, American Indian and Indigenous Collective (AIIC) Symposium, April 2022
Conference Presentation, Wildcat, Sky, Steen, McKalee, Fudin, Genna; “Native Food Energy and Water Systems (FEWS) Storytellers”, Geoscience Alliance Conference, July 2022
Conference Presentation, Steen, McKalee, Groux, Celeste, Dallard, Mindy, Mather, Makayla, “Indigenous Futures in Education”; AISES Leadership Summit, April 2022
Non-Academic Writing
Selected articles written for We R Native, a comprehensive health resource for Native youth, by Native youth.
Published 2022:
Environmental Change and Our Mental Health
Our Stories Connect Us to Place and People
Connecting to Our Land is Connecting to Our Culture
Published 2022:
Environmental Change and Our Mental Health
Our Stories Connect Us to Place and People
Connecting to Our Land is Connecting to Our Culture
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