Katarzyna Ostapowicz
Visiting ScientistDepartment: Lab Alumni

Current Affiliation
Research Scientist, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), Tromsø, Norway
2007: PhD in the Earth Science within the Geography, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Faculty of Biology and Earth Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)
2004: MSc in Nuclear Physics, Institute of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)
2002: MSc in Physical Geography within the Natural and Mathematical Studies, Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Faculty of Biology and Earth Science, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Poland)
Research Interest
My research focuses on an understanding of coupled human-environmental systems. I am interested in the use of remote sensing and geoinformation methods in environmental change studies.
I connect advance remote sensing methods (from big data mining to machine learning) with land system analysis. My primary study regions are mountains and polar regions.
Selected Publications
Grabska E., Hostert P., Pflugmacher D., Ostapowicz K., 2019, Forest Stand Species Mapping Using the Sentinel-2 Time Series, Remote Sensing, 11, 10, 1197
Bokwa A., Geleti? J., Lehnert M., Žuvela-Aloise M., Hollósi B., Gál T., Skarbit N., Dobrovolný P., Hajto M.J., a , Kielar R., Walawender J.P., Š?astný P., Holec J., Ostapowicz K., Burianová J., Garaj M., 2019, Heat load assessment in Central European cities using an urban climate model and observational monitoring data, Energy and Buildings, 201, 53-69
Bolliger J., Schmatz D.R., Pazúr R., Ostapowicz K., Psomas A., 2017, Reconstructing forest-cover change in the Swiss Alps between 1880 and 2010 using ensemble modelling, Regional Environmental Change, 17, 8, 2265–2277 DOI: 10.1007/s10113-016-1090-4
Zió?kowska E., Ostapowicz K., Radeloff V.C., Selva N., Kuemmerle T., ?mietana W., 2016, Assessing differences in connectivity based on habitat versus movement models for brown bears in the Carpathians, Landscape Ecology, 31, 1863-1882, 10.1007/s10980-016-0368-8
Munteanu C., Kuemmerle T., Keuler N., Mueller D., Halada L., Kaim D., Király G., Konkoly-Gyuró E., Kozak J., Lieskovsky J., Ostapowicz K., Shandra O., Radeloff V.C., 2015, Legacies of 19th century land use affect current forest change and composition, Global Environmental Change – human and Policy Dimensions, 34, 83-94