Jeff Martin
Postdoctoral ScholarDepartment: Land Use Change Lab

PhD, Geography – University of California, Berkeley, 2020
MSc, Environmental Governance – University of Manchester, 2011
BA, Peace and Conflict Studies – University of California, Berkeley, 2008
Research Interests
Jeff is a postdoctoral scholar with Berkeley’s Cannabis Research Center working on the impacts of wildfire on cannabis growers in California. He is also a researcher with the U.S. Forest Service working on wolf-livestock conflict and coexistence efforts across the western states. Jeff’s work sits at the intersection of environmental governance, political economy, and food systems studies, drawing insights from political ecology, critical physical geography, and the environmental humanities. His doctoral dissertation explores the aftermath of gray wolf return to the working landscapes of Central Idaho, focusing on questions of wolf-livestock conflict and coexistence and speaking to themes of rewilding, regional transition, and rural populism. Other research interests include socio-ecological complexity, applied interdisciplinarity, and questions of worldbuilding, speculative fiction, and storytelling.
He is also a practicing artist, bartender, cook, and gamemaster for tabletop roleplaying games, and lives with his partner Katrina and their animal companion, Magnus.
Selected Publications
Martin, J. V., K. Epstein, R. Anderson, and S. Charnley. 2021. “Coexistence praxis: the role of resource managers in wolf-livestock interactions on federal lands.” Frontiers in Conservation Science. 2: 56. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2021.707068.
Martin, J. V. 2021. “Between Scylla and Charybdis: Environmental Governance and Illegibility in the American West.” Geoforum. 123: 194-204. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.08.015.
Martin, J. V. 2021. “Peace in the Valley? Qualitative Insights on Collaborative Coexistence from the Wood River Wolf Project.” Conservation Science and Practice. 3(3): e197. doi: 10.1111/csp2.197.
Martin, J. V. and G. Sneegas. 2020. “Critical Worldbuilding: Toward a Geographical Engagement with Imagined Worlds.” Literary Geographies. 6(1): 15-23.
Wilkinson, C., A. McInturff , J. R. B. Miller, V. Yovovich, K. M. Gaynor, K. Calhoun, H. Karandikar, J. V. Martin, P. Parker‐Shames, A. Shawler, A. Van Scoyoc, and J. S. Brashares. 2020. “An Ecological Framework for Contextualizing Carnivore-Livestock Conflict.” Conservation Biology. 34(4): 854-867. doi: 10.1111/cobi.13469.
Martin, J. V., K. Epstein, N. Bergmann, A. C. Kroepsch, H. Gosnell, and P. Robbins. 2019. “Revisiting and Revitalizing Political Ecology in the American West.” Geoforum. 107: 227-230. doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.05.006.
Wesner, A., S. S. Moore, J. V. Martin, G. Kirk, L. Dev, and I. Behrsin. 2019. “Left Coast Political Ecology: A Manifesto.” Journal of Political Ecology. 26(1): 529-544. doi: 10.2458/jpe.v26i1.